# 1. 直接询问价格
最直接的方法是使用“how much”来询问商品的价格。当我们想问一双袜子的价钱时,可以说:“How much is this pair of socks?” 或者更简单的,“How much are these socks?”
- 例句: How much is this pair of socks?
- 例句: How much are these socks?
# 2. 使用“price”提问
- 例句: What is the price of this pair of socks?
- 例句: Can you tell me the price of these socks?
# 3. 使用“cost”提问
- 例句: What does this pair of socks cost?
- 例句: How much do these socks cost?
# 4. 使用“tag”
在商店里,商品的价格通常会标在标签上。因此,“what’s the tag say?” 这个表达方式也是询问价格的一种有效方法。
- 例句: What’s the tag say?
- 例句: Can you show me where the price tag is?
# 5. 使用“value”
- 例句: How valuable are these socks?
- 例句: What’s the value of this pair of socks?
# 6. 索要发票
- 例句: Can I get an invoice for this purchase?
- 例句: Do you offer a receipt with the price listed?
# 7. 对比商品价格
有时候,人们可能会比较不同袜子的价格,这时可以用“how much”或“what’s the price of…”来进行提问。
- 例句: How much are these socks compared to those ones?
- 例句: What is the price difference between this pair and that one?
# 8. 商家推销时的询问
商家在推销商品时,顾客可能会问一些带有询问性质的问题。例如,“Can you give me a discount on this?” 或者 “Is there any special offer for these socks?”
- 例句: Can you give me a discount on this?
- 例句: Is there any special offer for these socks?
# 9. 使用疑问词
在某些情况下,我们可以使用其他疑问词来询问价格。例如,“Could you tell me the price?” 或者 “May I know how much…?”
- 例句: Could you tell me the price of this pair of socks?
- 例句: May I know how much are these socks?
# 10. 商店服务人员的询问
- 例句: Can you help me with the price of this pair of socks?
- 例句: Could you give me a hand with these socks, please?
# 11. 使用口语表达
在日常对话中,我们还可以使用一些口语化的表达方式来询问价格。例如,“Do you have any idea how much these are?” 或者 “Can you price this for me?”
- 例句: Do you have any idea how much these are?
- 例句: Can you price this for me?
# 12. 使用否定形式
有时候,我们可能会用否定形式来询问价格。例如,“Aren’t they expensive?” 或者 “Isn’t it a bit too much?”
- 例句: Aren’t they expensive?
- 例句: Isn’t it a bit too much?
# 结语